Florida Insurance Quotes

Why Do You Need Florida Motorcycle Insurance If Not Required?

The bill comes in the mail, and you hang your head. You wonder how you’re going to pay thousands of dollars for medical bills in the world. But sadly, it’s a scenario where millions of Americans find themselves after a motor vehicle accident. However, only if they weren’t carrying Florida motorcycle insurance at the crash.

Even though insurance is critical, according to https://floridainsurancequotes.net/motorcycle-insurance-quote/, many people don’t carry insurance. In addition, some people who choose not to take insurance have the attitude, “Well, I’m a good driver and have never been in an accident.” However, if you operate a motorized vehicle, you must carry insurance for “what if” scenarios caused by other motorists.

Is It Worth The Risk?

Your risks increase if you’re a motorcyclist without insurance. According to https://floridainsurancequotes.net/motorcycle-insurance-quote/, thousands of motorcyclists are involved in accidents every day. An accident can leave you seriously injured with numerous injuries and mounting hospital bills.

Insurance rules and regulations vary significantly by state. Most states require, by law, that motorists carry a minimum liability insurance policy. Florida motorcycle insurance rules differ somewhat. For example, the state does not require a motorcyclist to have insurance. However, anyone operating a motorcycle is strongly encouraged to protect themselves and their checkbook by carrying Florida motorcycle insurance.

If you don’t carry Florida motorcycle insurance, Florida may ask you to provide proof of financial responsibility. The easiest and most common way to do this is by purchasing a liability policy. Riders can also choose to get a financial responsibility certificate. Another option is to post a surety bond with an insurance company. You may also get a self-insurance certificate if you meet specific income criteria.

Don’t Pay The Penalties.

Unfortunately, many drivers choose to ignore the state’s recommended guidelines. Regrettably, they can find themselves in financial hot water if they cause an accident and cannot prove they can pay for damages. As a result, Florida could suspend your driver’s license and registration. Florida could also force you to pay steep reinstatement fees. 

When In Doubt, Check It Out.

Again, the laws vary significantly from state to state. Therefore, Florida Insurance Quotes recommends contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles for information on Florida motorcycle insurance laws. Insurance from places like this is there for a reason. It removes the “what if” and gives you the assurance you need should an accident occur. In addition, you’ll be covered and not face a mountain of medical expenses.